Tag: worm

  • Trojans and worms hiding behind games

    Mario latest lure to hook victims on malware. Social engineering techniques used to trick computer users into running malicious code on their systems concentrate around simple pleasures, with sex, gossip and entertainment among the most common lures, and the last few weeks have seen several attacks using the offer of video games to draw in…

  • Worm trashes music files

    MP3s targeted for destruction. A new worm has been spotted attempting to delete .mp3 music files from infected systems and attached devices. Once a machine is compromised, the worm, imaginatively named ‘W32.Deletemusic’ ( Symantec ) and ‘W32/DeleteMP3’ ( McAfee ), spreads to all drives, including removable devices such as music players and USB flash drives,…

  • New OpenOffice proof-of-concept widely noted

    Odd payload, not spreading danger, brings attention to cross-platform worm. A new proof-of-concept malware exploiting the OpenOffice document format has made headlines across the world, despite little chance of affecting users in the wild. The worm, dubbed SB/BadBunny-A by Sophos , has gathered wide media coverage thanks to its strange payload, a downloaded pornographic image…

  • Phishing moves into more new areas

    Surveys, phone lines, USB sticks and call girls the latest tactics for spammers and phishers. The latest social-engineering methods being put to use by phishers show no let up in the evolution of online scams, with several new twists on old ideas being sent via mass mail in the hopes of hooking yet more gullible…