Tag: trojan

  • Storm DDoS hits anti-scam sites

    419 fighters attacked – NFL and TOR latest spam hooks. The massive botnet amassed by the ‘Storm’ (Zhelatin/Nuwar/Dorf/etc.) attack continues to target new victims, with the TOR online anonymity system and the start of the NFL season in the US the latest social engineering tactics to trick spam recipients into installing the trojans. Over the…

  • YouTube latest Storm hook

    Fake video links aim to pull in yet more victims. The never-ending stream of ‘Storm’ attacks continued over the weekend with a new tactic – the latest spammed email campaign contained links claiming to lead to videos on highly popular entertainment site YouTube . The simple emails follow in the wake of several similar campaigns,…

  • Monster haul of data reaped from job site

    Trojan gathers 1.6 million sets of jobseeker records. Researchers at Symantec have reported discovering a server carrying 1.6 million entries from the popular jobseeking website Monster.com , gathered by a trojan using stolen login information. The trojan, dubbed ‘Infostealer.Monstres’ by Symantec , uses logins to Monster ‘s sites for recruiters, which allow information on millions…

  • AVK tops latest AV-Test charts

    Top four beat 99% in large collection scan. Testers at AV-Test.org have run 29 products over a massive collection of malware samples, with detection rates measured against 874,822 items including worms, trojans, bots and backdoors. The top two were multi-engine products, with GDATA ‘s AntiVirusKit ranked number one with 99.88% detection, and the Webwasher gateway…

  • Latest Storm barrage offers site memberships

    New tactic provides logins to special-interest sites. The ‘Storm’ attack has changed tactic yet again, with the latest set of spams providing login details to a wide selection of sites covering various interests. Once visited, the sites try to trick victims into downloading the latest version of the trojans used to infect more systems and…

  • Storm e-card malware keeps on coming

    No end to flood of fake friendly greetings. A further wave of e-cards carrying links to ‘Storm’ malware (various labelled Nuwar, Peacomm, Dorf, Zhelatin) has been hitting inboxes around the world all this week, with no signs of any letup in the deluge. The latest barrage carry a simple message, using spoofed source addresses and…

  • Worries of Storm forming massive botnet

    DDoS danger looms as infection levels boom. Repeated waves of the ‘Storm’ trojan attacks continue to be spammed out, with the latest using more eCards to hook in still more victims. As numbers of infected systems continue to grow, the threat of such a large network of zombies being used for a major DDoS attack…

  • Trojans and worms hiding behind games

    Mario latest lure to hook victims on malware. Social engineering techniques used to trick computer users into running malicious code on their systems concentrate around simple pleasures, with sex, gossip and entertainment among the most common lures, and the last few weeks have seen several attacks using the offer of video games to draw in…

  • Ransomware returns

    Trojan hides personal data, demands money with menaces. A new version of a ransomware trojan has been sighted, recalling the warnings of two years ago when similar items first began to strike users, that this type of attack was likely to become commonplace. The latest trojan claims to encrypt files using the RSA 4096 algorithm,…

  • Trojan using webmail to send spam

    Captcha systems possibly cracked to automate account creation. BitDefender has reported a new trojan attempting to bypass security measures on leading webmail systems Hotmail and Yahoo! , to use their services to send out spam. The trojan, dubbed ‘Spammer.HotLan’, downloads instructions from the web, and then either logs into existing accounts and mails from there,…