Tag: takedown

  • Vulnerability disclosure and botnet takedown not to be hindered by Wassenaar Arrangement

    I have never been too keen on making comparisons between (advanced) cyber attacks and conventional war, as such comparisons tend to ignore the enormous human cost that comes with wars. That said, digital weapons do play an important role in global conflicts, military or otherwise, and thus it makes sense for them to be covered…

  • Vulnerability disclosure and botnet takedown not to be hindered by Wassenaar Arrangement

    I have never been too keen on making comparisons between (advanced) cyber attacks and conventional war, as such comparisons tend to ignore the enormous human cost that comes with wars. That said, digital weapons do play an important role in global conflicts, military or otherwise, and thus it makes sense for them to be covered…

  • Coordinated action takes down Ramnit botnet infrastructure

    Malware remains present on infected machines; 2012 Virus Bulletin paper worth studying. A coordinated action from Anubisnetworks , Microsoft and Symantec , together with Europol has done serious damage to the infrastructure behind the ‘Ramnit’ botnet. Ramnit is one of those botnets that lurk in the background of the Internet. Its infections mainly occur in…

  • Game over for GameOver Zeus botnet?

    Coordinated effort against gang that’s also behind CryptoLocker ransomware. A large, coordinated effort involving law enforcement, security vendors and various security researchers, has caused serious disruption to both the GameOver Zeus botnet and the CryptoLocker ransomware. GameOver Zeus is a particularly sophisticated variant of the Zeus trojan. Rather than a centralised command and control infrastructure,…

  • Grum botnet’s command-and-control servers shut down

    Spam-sending botnet believed to be third largest in the world. International co-operation between a number of parties has led to all command-and-control servers of the ‘Grum’ botnet being taken down. The takedown gives a good insight into how these operations work, and how co-operation is essential: During the weekend, two command-and-control servers, based in the…

  • ‘Largest takedown ever’ sees six arrested

    Millions made through ‘DNSChanger’ malware. Six Estonian nationals have been arrested for taking part in a cybercrime ring that made money through DNS-changing malware that had infected as many as four million computers. The ‘DNSChanger’ malware, of which versions exist for both Windows and Mac , usually spreads via fake codecs. The malware modifies the…

  • Department of Justice shuts down Coreflood botnet

    ‘Stop’ command sent from replaced command and control servers. Earlier this week the US Department of Justice (DoJ) obtained an unprecedented temporary restraining order (TRO) that effectively allowed it to send ‘stop’ commands from the command and control servers of the Coreflood botnet – thus managing to shut it down. As is the case with…