Tag: spamhaus

  • VB2018 preview: The botnet landscape – live threats and steps for mitigation (Small Talk)

    Whether they’re used to send spam, to perform DDoS attacks, or as a proxy network for other kinds of nefarious activities, botnets remain a prominent tool for cybercriminals, and thus a main focus for security researchers. One of the organizations that is at the forefront of such research is Spamhaus : its employees and volunteers…

  • VB2018 preview: The botnet landscape – live threats and steps for mitigation (Small Talk)

    Whether they’re used to send spam, to perform DDoS attacks, or as a proxy network for other kinds of nefarious activities, botnets remain a prominent tool for cybercriminals, and thus a main focus for security researchers. One of the organizations that is at the forefront of such research is Spamhaus : its employees and volunteers…

  • Spamhaus report shows many botnet controllers look a lot like legitimate servers

    Of all the annual security reports and blog posts that look back at the previous year, that of Spamhaus is one I particularly look forward to, as it always comes with good and interesting data. Though The Spamhaus Project is probably best known for its blacklists that are widely used for filtering spam, its researchers…

  • Spamhaus report shows many botnet controllers look a lot like legitimate servers

    Of all the annual security reports and blog posts that look back at the previous year, that of Spamhaus is one I particularly look forward to, as it always comes with good and interesting data. Though The Spamhaus Project is probably best known for its blacklists that are widely used for filtering spam, its researchers…

  • Spamhaus CIO calls for those running open DNS resolvers to be fined

    Open DNS resolvers instrumental in many DDoS attacks. At the Cyber Security Summit in London, Richard Cox, CIO of DNS blacklist provider Spamhaus , called on the UK government to issue fines to those running open DNS resolvers, PC Pro writes . Open DNS resolvers have become an important tool for those performing DDoS attacks.…

  • Dutchman arrested in Spain for DDoS attacks on Spamhaus

    Suspect drove around in ‘mobile bunker’ to co-ordinate attacks. Police in Spain have arrested a 35-year-old Dutchman, believed to be responsible for the DDoS attacks on Spamhaus last month. Although the Dutch public prosecutor has only identified the suspect as ‘SK’, it is almost certain that he is Sven Olaf Kamphuis, spokesman for hosting provider…

  • Correction to VBSpam results

    Spamhaus and SURBL results re-evaluated. The most recent VBSpam results incorrectly stated that SURBL failed to detect a blacklisted URL in any of the emails in the Wombat feed of phishing emails; the performance of Spamhaus on the feed was also affected. We have since discovered that a technical glitch on our side meant that…

  • Dutch ISP sues Spamhaus for ‘extortion’

    Blacklist entries ‘unfair and illegal’. Dutch ISP A2B Internet has sued The Spamhaus Project , claiming the project unfairly blacklisted its IP range. A2B provides the upstream connection for a number of data centres. Recently, Spamhaus , which runs a number of widely used IP- and URL-based blacklists, asked the provider to block traffic of…

  • Bulletproof hosting firm claims legitimacy

    Crime-laden Russian service threatens to sue detractors. A notorious Russian firm offering ‘bulletproof hosting’ – website hosting services with a guarantee that sites will not be taken down if found to be serving up illegal content, spam, malware, phishing sites etc. – has claimed in a media interview that its services are entirely genuine and…

  • Spamhaus $11 million fine thrown out

    Appeal court quashes earlier e360 compensation ruling. Anti-spam operation Spamhaus , previously ordered to pay $11 million to mass-mailing firm e360 Insight after refusing to contest a case accusing it of falsely labelling those behind e360 as spammers, has had the fine thrown out in an appeal court. The case was first brought last autumn…