Tag: spam

  • Major pump-and-dump campaign floods inboxes

    Heavy stock scam barrage ups spam levels 30%. A major PDF pump-and-dump campaign has been reported, with massive numbers of mails spammed out. According to spam watchers at Sophos , the campaign has been responsible for a 30% rise in the number of spams spotted in the past 24 hours, and has significantly affected the…

  • Spreadsheets latest spam message carriers

    XLS files follow PDFs as junk email ad vector. After the image spam deluge and the recent wave of spams carrying their messages in PDF files, the latest trend seems to be spreadsheets in Microsoft ‘s XLS format, as used by the popular Excel spreadsheet program. Numerous campaigns have been reported using the file format…

  • Study promotes challenge-response for anti-spam

    Interactive system rated best blocker in questioned survey. A study of anti-spam systems, using a bespoke scale to rate protection offered, has found the challenge-response method most effective, with a massive lead over managed service systems, rated second place, and with ISP-based filters trailing far behind the rest of the field. However, with the results…

  • 26 phishing arrests in Italy

    Police swoop on Poste Italiane spam scam gangs. In a first for Italy, the Guardia Di Finanza has made 26 arrests from two separate groups of phishing fraudsters, in the culmination of an operation, dubbed ‘Phish and Chip’, aimed at tracking down phishers defrauding banking clients of the national postal service Poste Italiane . The…

  • Japan to tighten spam laws

    Proposals to further restrict email and phone spamming. The Japanese Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry is planning a series of improvements to current anti-spam regulations in the country, and hopes to impose tougher restrictions on people and organisations wishing to send out unsolicited advertising messages, according to a report in the Yomiuri Shimbun . Current…

  • SEC brings case against pump-and-dump spammers

    Scam spotted after spammed mail sent to SEC lawyer. Two men from Texas have been charged with a range of spam and fraud offences after a 20-month campaign using botnets to spam pump-and-dump mails aimed at pushing up the price of a range of ‘penny’ stocks. Their scam came to the attention of the US…

  • Spoof Spamhaus ads spammed out

    Mail campaign claims to promote spam fighters. Spam-fighting organisation Spamhaus has been subjected to an attack on its reputation this week, with a sizeable campaign of spams containing promotional information about the company and the services it provides. The ‘Joe-Job’ emails come from faked sender addresses and use typically nonsensical, randomly generated subject lines, but…

  • Fake malware infection alerts spammed out

    Latest spam run masquerades as malware warning and fix. The group behind last week’s Fourth of July spams are thought to be behind another campaign this week, with messages claiming to warn of malware infections detected on the recipient’s system, and a trojan waiting to be downloaded if a link to an alleged patch is…

  • Fourth of July targeted by trojan spam

    Celebration card emails carry links to malware. A further wave of greetings-card spam has been widely seeded, in the wake of considerable Storm Worm activity in the last week, with subject lines focusing on Independence Day celebrations under way today in the US. The wave of spams mostly contain web links to JavaScript downloaders, which…

  • US porn spammers convicted

    Two found guilty of CAN-SPAM breaches. A federal jury in Phoenix, Arizona, has found two men guilty of two charges of violating the US CAN-SPAM regulations, as well as other charges including fraud and money laundering. The two men, Californian Jeffrey Kilbride and Arizona citizen James Shaffer, both 41, are thought to have started their…