Tag: sms

  • VB2015 paper: Mobile Banking Fraud via SMS in North America: Who’s Doing it and How

    While SMS has been declared dead many times, the service remains frequently used – and abused. In a paper presented at VB2015 in Prague, Adaptive Mobile researcher Cathal Mc Daid looked at fraudulent SMS campaigns, in particular those targeting banking users in North America. He showed how these campaigns tend to target specific banks and…

  • WhatsApp spam on the rise

    End-to-end encryption makes spam filtering more difficult. Spam sent through the WhatsApp messaging service is on the rise, mobile security firm AdaptiveMobile reports . This news should come as little surprise: any means by which messages can be spread quickly and cheaply has always been attractive to spammers, be that email, website comments or Twitter…

  • CSRF vulnerability in USB modems allows for infrastructure-less phishing

    Credentials sent to attacker by built-in SMS functionality. Modems and routers aren’t typically known for their security, and modems that allow one to connect to mobile broadband are no exception. Now, a Swedish security researcher has discovered how this lack of security can be exploited in a spear-phishing attack that requires only very minimal infrastructure.…

  • Massive drop in PPI SMS spam after spammers fined

    Levels still higher than for most of 2012. Security firm Cloudmark has reported a significant drop in the amount of PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) spam sent via SMS in the UK after two major spammers were fined, but noted that the levels are still higher than they were for most of last year. SMS spam…

  • Cybercriminals offering service flooding email, phone and SMS

    DDoS-type attack could seriously disrupt business. A new service is being offered on underground forums where between 25,000 and 100,000 emails are being sent to an email account within a short period of time, security blogger Brian Krebs reports. The emails, which effectively perform a DDoS attack on the email account, could be seriously disruptive…

  • SMS trojan targets Android users in eight western countries

    Will another piece of mobile malware convince Google manager of the seriousness of the threat? Researchers at Kaspersky have discovered an SMS trojan for Android phones that targets users in eight western countries. This trojan, which masquerades as an SMS monitoring app, gives an error message upon being launched, suggesting that it is incompatible with…