Tag: sentence

  • Estonian virus writer sent to jail

    Author of Allapple virus sentenced. An Estonian man has been found guilty of creating and distributing the Allapple virus, and sentenced to a little over two and a half years in prison. The 44-year-old Artur Boiko pleaded not guilty to the charges, but was convicted based on evidence outlined by the prosecution which indicated that…

  • 41 months plus hefty fine for botherder

    Cross-border operation brings adware crook to book. A Florida man has been sentenced to 41 months in prison and fined $65,000 (approx. £32,000) after implanting bot software on systems belonging to a global corporation and using them to install adware. When brought before US courts in March, the man, Robert Matthew Bentley of Panama City,…

  • 419 scammers plead guilty in US

    African trio admit attempts to defraud via spam. Three men, two from Nigeria and a third from Senegal, entered guilty pleas in a Brooklyn, New York, courtroom last week after being deported from the Netherlands to face trial for running a series of ‘419’ spam scams. Operating in the usual manner for such scams, the…

  • US botnet master confesses to crimes

    Security consultant to plead guilty, could face heavy sentence. A Los Angeles man has agreed to plead guilty to several counts of fraud and unauthorised interfering with computer systems, having built a botnet comprising up to 250,000 machines, installing adware and using harvested data to defraud money from bank accounts, both directly and via PayPal…

  • Five to six years for $1 million porn spammers

    Strong sentences for CAN-SPAM breaches, money laundering. Two US men found guilty in June of breaching the terms of the 2003 CAN-SPAM Act, as well as numerous other charges including money laundering and witness tampering, have been sentenced to spend over five years in jail for their crimes. They are the first to be convicted…

  • Fujacks/Panda virus authors sentenced, offered job

    Fujacks author put away for four years. Four men who were charged last month with writing, selling and spreading the W32/Fujacks virus and worm (a.k.a. the ‘Panda burning joss-sticks’ virus) have been sentenced in a Chinese court, with the self-confessed author of the virus being sent to prison for four years. But 25-year-old lead programmer…

  • Four charged with writing Fujacks

    Malware authors and sellers appear in Chinese court. Four men have appeared in a public court in Hubei Province, China, charged with writing, selling and spreading the W32/Fujacks virus and worm, often referred to as the ‘Panda burning joss-sticks’ virus in reference to the icon marking infected files in some variants. The W32/Fujacks family of…

  • Pharmacy spammer gets 30 years

    ‘Rizler’ convicted on drugs, conspiracy and money laundering charges. Notorious pharmaceuticals spammer Christopher ‘Rizler’ Smith was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment last week, after selling $24 million in illegal medications through websites advertised by spam campaigns. The case broke in May 2005, when Smith’s 85-person company was shut down by the FBI and authorities seized…

  • US porn spammers convicted

    Two found guilty of CAN-SPAM breaches. A federal jury in Phoenix, Arizona, has found two men guilty of two charges of violating the US CAN-SPAM regulations, as well as other charges including fraud and money laundering. The two men, Californian Jeffrey Kilbride and Arizona citizen James Shaffer, both 41, are thought to have started their…

  • Phisher gets six years

    Californian receives 70-month prison sentence, avoids 101 years behind bars. A Californian man, found guilty in January this year of operating a phishing scheme aimed at scamming thousands of AOL users, has been sentenced to 70 months in prison. 45-year-old Jeffrey Brett Goodin was found guilty of sending thousands of emails to AOL customers. The…