Tag: research

  • Research paper shows it may be possible to distinguish malware traffic using TLS

    Researchers at Cisco have published a paper ( PDF ) describing how it may be possible to use machine learning to distinguish malware command-and-control (C&C) traffic using TLS from regular enterprise traffic, and to classify malware families based on their encrypted C&C traffic. The need for malware to communicate with its operators, so that it…

  • Research paper shows it may be possible to distinguish malware traffic using TLS

    Researchers at Cisco have published a paper ( PDF ) describing how it may be possible to use machine learning to distinguish malware command-and-control (C&C) traffic using TLS from regular enterprise traffic, and to classify malware families based on their encrypted C&C traffic. The need for malware to communicate with its operators, so that it…

  • Virus Bulletin celebrates 25th birthday by making all content free

    Neither subscription nor registration required to access content. Happy birthday Virus Bulletin ! Today it is exactly 25 years since, in the very first issue of Virus Bulletin , Editor Edward Wilding wrote: “We aim to provide PC users with a regular source of intelligence about computer viruses, their prevention, detection and removal, and how…

  • Virus Bulletin seeks security researchers

    Would you like to publish your research through Virus Bulletin – or perhaps even work for us? As of 1 July, all Virus Bulletin content will be freely available to everyone. This should be of interest for more reasons than simply saving the annual subscription fee. I recently spoke to a long-time Virus Bulletin reader…

  • 95% of spam monetized through three banks

    Financial infrastructure possible bottleneck for spammers. In a recently published paper, researchers from the University of California found that 95 per cent of spamvertised products are monetized through just three banks, thus showing a potential bottleneck that may help in the fight against spam. The researchers looked at almost one billion spamvertised URLs, or 93…

  • Researchers crack into Storm botnet

    Comms channels decrypted, automated removal possible. A group of German academics claim to have deciphered communications protocols used by the infamous ‘Storm’ botnet, allowing them to monitor infected nodes and control systems, and potentially to deactivate and disinfect them remotely. The collaborative operation between two German universities saw samples of the Storm malware, and the…

  • MS report finds phishing revenues overhyped

    Huge earnings may be myth, say researchers. A report from Microsoft analysing the potential income of phishers claims that the amounts taken from duped victims of online scams may not be as high as numerous recent surveys have estimated. A duo of researchers looked into various aspects of the phishing economy, and found that figures…

  • Net threats cost US $8.5 billion in two years

    Study measures scale of scamming and other web worries. US consumer watchdog body Consumer Reports have released their annual ‘State of the Net’ study, finding a noticeable decline in malware and spam issues, but still significant amounts of money lost to malware and phishing, estimated at $8.5 billion over a two-year period. The survey covered…

  • China hosting over half of malicious sites

    StopBadware.org report highlights Chinese dominance in web malware. A report from StopBadware.org released last week found that 52% of malicious websites were hosted in China, with the US the only other major player in the field with 21%. The report was compiled from the list of active malicious sites flagged by Google ‘s Safe Browsing…

  • Security experts gather in Europe

    Anti-malware insights pooled at AMTSO, CARO and EICAR meetings. Many of the world’s leading anti-malware and security experts came together in the past week, at a string of meetings and conferences being held in Europe. Global bodies the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organisation (AMTSO) and the Computer Anti-Virus Researchers’ Organization (CARO), and the pan-European experts group…