Tag: proof-of-concept

  • .SettingContent-ms files remind us that it is features, not bugs we should be most concerned about

    One of the most significant developments in the threat landscape in recent years has been the return of malicious Office macros, their resurgence having started four years ago . Unlike their predecessors from the 1990s, these macros can’t run automatically, but require the user to explicitly enable macros. This obviously mitigates the damage quite a…

  • .SettingContent-ms files remind us that it is features, not bugs we should be most concerned about

    One of the most significant developments in the threat landscape in recent years has been the return of malicious Office macros, their resurgence having started four years ago . Unlike their predecessors from the 1990s, these macros can’t run automatically, but require the user to explicitly enable macros. This obviously mitigates the damage quite a…

  • Three questions to ask about security product bypasses

    Techniques for bypassing security products feature prominently at security conferences and on security blogs these days. Indeed, with so many people relying implicitly or explicitly on products to protect themselves and their networks, these finding are to be taken seriously. If you work for a vendor that sells such products, I would recommend not giving…

  • Three questions to ask about security product bypasses

    Techniques for bypassing security products feature prominently at security conferences and on security blogs these days. Indeed, with so many people relying implicitly or explicitly on products to protect themselves and their networks, these finding are to be taken seriously. If you work for a vendor that sells such products, I would recommend not giving…

  • ‘NOMORE’ attack makes RC4 a little weaker again

    No good reason to continue using the stream cipher, yet attacks remain impractical. Researchers from the KU Leuven have presented a new attack against the RC4 stream cipher called ‘NOMORE’, which is short for Numerous Occurrence MOnitoring & Recovery Exploit. While it is really good research, and while it re-emphasises the point that the cipher…

  • CSRF vulnerability in USB modems allows for infrastructure-less phishing

    Credentials sent to attacker by built-in SMS functionality. Modems and routers aren’t typically known for their security, and modems that allow one to connect to mobile broadband are no exception. Now, a Swedish security researcher has discovered how this lack of security can be exploited in a spear-phishing attack that requires only very minimal infrastructure.…

  • New OpenOffice proof-of-concept widely noted

    Odd payload, not spreading danger, brings attention to cross-platform worm. A new proof-of-concept malware exploiting the OpenOffice document format has made headlines across the world, despite little chance of affecting users in the wild. The worm, dubbed SB/BadBunny-A by Sophos , has gathered wide media coverage thanks to its strange payload, a downloaded pornographic image…