Tag: privacy

  • VB2019 paper: The push from fiction for increased surveillance, and its impact on privacy

    Levels of anxiety over technology and interconnectedness are growing. People are becoming increasingly concerned about privacy, and wary that every gadget or app might be spying on them. But researchers Miriam Cihodariu ( Heimdal Security ) and Andrei Bogdan Brad ( Code4Romania ) wondered how much impact the misrepresentation of surveillance technology in fiction (films…

  • VB2018 paper: Little Brother is watching – we know all your secrets!

    The use of mobile spyware to spy on (ex-)partners is an underreported problem, despite the prevalence of such apps and their use in cases of domestic violence. At VB2017 in Madrid, security journalist Joseph Cox spoke about this problem. Closely linked to these apps are ‘mutual-awareness tracking apps’, which allow people to track the location…

  • VB2018 paper: Little Brother is watching – we know all your secrets!

    The use of mobile spyware to spy on (ex-)partners is an underreported problem, despite the prevalence of such apps and their use in cases of domestic violence. At VB2017 in Madrid, security journalist Joseph Cox spoke about this problem. Closely linked to these apps are ‘mutual-awareness tracking apps’, which allow people to track the location…

  • Those doing bad things deserve privacy too

    Hacking Team leakers should have taken a leaf out of Snowden’s book. I can understand, at least in principle, that targeted malware could be used by law enforcement agencies for legitimate purposes. After all, with proper court orders in place, it is not significantly different from the hidden cameras placed by those same agencies. However,…

  • What would Cameron’s ‘anti-terrorism’ proposals mean for the UK?

    Proposals could cause serious damage to business and the economy, and are unlikely to stop terrorism. This week, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the French offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine, UK prime minister David Cameron wondered whether the UK would ‘want to allow a means of communication between people which [it] cannot…

  • VB2014 video: Attack points in health apps & wearable devices – how safe is your quantified self?

    Health apps and wearable devices found to make many basic security mistakes. “I know a lot of you have a Fitbit device.” The geeks attending VB conferences tend to like their gadgets, and many of them have the latest ones, so the claim made by Candid Wüest at the beginning of his VB2014 last-minute presentation…

  • There is no ‘I know what I am doing’ trump card in security

    NSA activities could make millions avoid US-based services. We have all been there. To continue the product you’re working on, you need to get some extra permission: a port needs to be opened, or perhaps some files need to be uploaded onto a protected system. You ask the IT department for this permission and, much…

  • US ISPs urged to snoop on traffic

    NY Attorny General promotes deep packet inspection to AOL. ISPs in the US are coming under increasing pressure to impose deep probing of all their customers’ traffic, with the Attorney General of New York passing details of one system of deep packet inspection to major provider AOL . While the government’s intentions are to control…