Tag: plead

  • Malware authors’ continued use of stolen certificates isn’t all bad news

    A malware campaign has been using code-signing certificates stolen from Taiwanese companies to sign its samples, ESET researcher and regular VB conference speaker Anton Cherepanov writes . Malware signed with stolen certificates isn’t a new phenomenon. Stuxnet famously used stolen certificates, also from Taiwanese companies, and in 2016 Symantec wrote about a malware campaign that…

  • Malware authors’ continued use of stolen certificates isn’t all bad news

    A malware campaign has been using code-signing certificates stolen from Taiwanese companies to sign its samples, ESET researcher and regular VB conference speaker Anton Cherepanov writes . Malware signed with stolen certificates isn’t a new phenomenon. Stuxnet famously used stolen certificates, also from Taiwanese companies, and in 2016 Symantec wrote about a malware campaign that…

  • CVE-2012-0158 continues to be used in targeted attacks

    30-month old vulnerability still a popular way to infect systems. If all you have to worry about are zero-day vulnerabilities, you have got things pretty well sorted. Although it is true that sometimes zero-days are being used to deliver malware (such as the recent use of CVE-2014-4114 by the SandWorm group), in many cases even…