Tag: php

  • Php.net compromised to serve malware

    Researchers initially believed Google warning was a false positive. For a few days this week, the popular php.net website was serving malware to some of its visitors and was doing so in a stealthy way that initially confused researchers. There may be thousands and possibly millions of malicious websites on the Internet, but when you…

  • Malicious PHP script hides bad stuff inside ‘white-space’

    Spaces and tabs used to encode into binary. Researchers at Kaspersky have discovered a malicious PHP script that uses an inventive way to obfuscate its malicious behaviour. The script, found on a Polish online store, dynamically adds some remotely linked malicious code into the website’s HTML. What is probably more interesting is the way the…

  • Over 1 per cent of search results include malicious sites

    Google research paper confirms significant increase in number of malware-serving websites. Recent reports of increasing numbers of websites serving malicious content have been confirmed in a paper published by researchers from Google . The researchers report finding over three million URLs serving malware, as detected by at least one anti-virus program, with another three million…