Tag: obfuscation

  • Paper: Obfuscation in Android malware, and how to fight back

    Axelle Apvrille and Ruchna Nigam look at both off-the-shelf products and custom obfuscation techniques. After a relatively slow start, in recent years mobile malware has really taken off. In many ways, mobile malware has followed the same path as taken by malware targeting desktop PCs. We have seen mobile adware, spyware, fake anti-virus, banking trojans,…

  • Malicious PHP script hides bad stuff inside ‘white-space’

    Spaces and tabs used to encode into binary. Researchers at Kaspersky have discovered a malicious PHP script that uses an inventive way to obfuscate its malicious behaviour. The script, found on a Polish online store, dynamically adds some remotely linked malicious code into the website’s HTML. What is probably more interesting is the way the…

  • Security experts gather in Europe

    Anti-malware insights pooled at AMTSO, CARO and EICAR meetings. Many of the world’s leading anti-malware and security experts came together in the past week, at a string of meetings and conferences being held in Europe. Global bodies the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organisation (AMTSO) and the Computer Anti-Virus Researchers’ Organization (CARO), and the pan-European experts group…