Tag: .net

  • Paper: Using .NET GUIDs to help hunt for malware

    Tool to extract identifiers incorporated into VirusTotal. The large number of new malware samples found each day hasn’t made malware analysis an easier task, and researchers could use anything that helps them automate this task. Today, we publish a paper by Cylance researcher Brian Wallace, who looks at two globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) found in…

  • VB2014 video: .NET malware dynamic instrumentation for automated and manual analysis

    Hexiang Hu used tool to detect Bladabindi backdoor. The .NET framework is a popular way to write software. As applications built with the framework compile into a Common Intermediate Language (CIL), single binaries can run on multiple platforms and CPU architectures. However, as is so often the case, what is useful for authors of benign…