Tag: mirai

  • Book Review: Cyber Wars

    At a recent security conference, one speaker asked how many of the audience remembered the 2007 Storm Worm . Only about half the members of the audience of malware researchers raised their hand. Infosec isn’t very good at institutional memory and the vast amount of new information that deluges those working in the industry often…

  • Book Review: Cyber Wars

    At a recent security conference, one speaker asked how many of the audience remembered the 2007 Storm Worm . Only about half the members of the audience of malware researchers raised their hand. Infosec isn’t very good at institutional memory and the vast amount of new information that deluges those working in the industry often…

  • VB2018 paper: Tracking Mirai variants

    The leaking or publishing of malware source code often leads to multiple spin-off families based on the code. Never has this been more clear than in the case of the Mirai Internet of Things (IoT) botnet. Mirai made its name when it was used in some damaging DDoS attacks in the second half of 2016;…

  • VB2018 paper: Tracking Mirai variants

    The leaking or publishing of malware source code often leads to multiple spin-off families based on the code. Never has this been more clear than in the case of the Mirai Internet of Things (IoT) botnet. Mirai made its name when it was used in some damaging DDoS attacks in the second half of 2016;…

  • VB2018 preview: IoT botnets

    For a long time IoT-botnets were just one of those things security professionals warned about. Then, with the appearance of Mirai in 2016, they became a reality. Mirai’s success in performing DDoS attacks, combined with the leak of the botnet’s source code, has led to a great many descendants, some of which stay closer to…

  • VB2018 preview: IoT botnets

    For a long time IoT-botnets were just one of those things security professionals warned about. Then, with the appearance of Mirai in 2016, they became a reality. Mirai’s success in performing DDoS attacks, combined with the leak of the botnet’s source code, has led to a great many descendants, some of which stay closer to…

  • Security-focused routers may help to mitigate IoT threats

    Walking around the RSA show floor last week, it was clear that the Internet of Things, or IoT, is a hot topic in security. Indeed, the number of connected devices continues to grow and new IoT botnets continue to be discovered, with Saikin and Hajime being two of the most recent examples. It is important…

  • Security-focused routers may help to mitigate IoT threats

    Walking around the RSA show floor last week, it was clear that the Internet of Things, or IoT, is a hot topic in security. Indeed, the number of connected devices continues to grow and new IoT botnets continue to be discovered, with Saikin and Hajime being two of the most recent examples. It is important…