Tag: malware

  • Latest Storm barrage offers site memberships

    New tactic provides logins to special-interest sites. The ‘Storm’ attack has changed tactic yet again, with the latest set of spams providing login details to a wide selection of sites covering various interests. Once visited, the sites try to trick victims into downloading the latest version of the trojans used to infect more systems and…

  • Storm e-card malware keeps on coming

    No end to flood of fake friendly greetings. A further wave of e-cards carrying links to ‘Storm’ malware (various labelled Nuwar, Peacomm, Dorf, Zhelatin) has been hitting inboxes around the world all this week, with no signs of any letup in the deluge. The latest barrage carry a simple message, using spoofed source addresses and…

  • AV testing practices questioned

    Professional and amateur tests criticised. Last week, IT industry commentator and renowned anti-anti-virus writer Robin Bloor released a typically inflammatory article implying widespread corruption in anti-virus testing, suggesting that testing organisations within the industry are complicit in rigging test results to show AV products in a good light. This week, results of a supposedly independent…

  • House of Lords warns of e-crime fears

    Report recommends harder, smarter fight against online dangers. A major report by the Science and Technology Committee of the UK’s House of Lords has found the internet to be rife with crime, with current legislation to control it seriously lacking and public mistrust and fear extremely high. The detailed study, entitled ‘Personal Internet Security’, probes…

  • Fake malware infection alerts spammed out

    Latest spam run masquerades as malware warning and fix. The group behind last week’s Fourth of July spams are thought to be behind another campaign this week, with messages claiming to warn of malware infections detected on the recipient’s system, and a trojan waiting to be downloaded if a link to an alleged patch is…

  • ‘Direct’ cost of malware infections on the decline

    Report finds direct costs from malware infections declined over last two years. A report by Computer Economics has stated that the financial impact of malware infections fell to $13.3 billion in 2006, from $14.2 billion in 2005, and $17.5 billion in 2004. The report is based on a survey of IT security professionals and IT…

  • Online malware dangers analysed

    Google, McAfee release webserver, search result figures. Two reports out this week have revealed some interesting statistics on the security dangers involved in browsing the Internet, with Google surveying the software running on webservers and which systems carry the most threats, while McAfee ‘s study of search results reveals the dangers lurking in links provided…

  • 1.4 million Chinese infected over holiday week

    May vacations bring trojan avalanche for gamers and filesharers. Chinese computers, in heavy use with many people off work for the Labour Day holiday week, have suffered a major surge in malware infections, as a surge in the number of people browsing the web, shopping online, sharing files and playing online games has led to…

  • Five ISPs hosting a third of malware, says study

    StopBadware survey finds small group of ISPs most to blame. In a recent study of almost 50,000 sites known to be hosting malware, five ISPs have been identified as repeat offenders, between them hosting over 17,000 infected pages. The study, carried out by StopBadware.org , the international group of malware fighters founded in collaboration between…