Tag: legal

  • SEC brings case against pump-and-dump spammers

    Scam spotted after spammed mail sent to SEC lawyer. Two men from Texas have been charged with a range of spam and fraud offences after a 20-month campaign using botnets to spam pump-and-dump mails aimed at pushing up the price of a range of ‘penny’ stocks. Their scam came to the attention of the US…

  • Kaspersky sues Rising

    Feuding AV firms to fight it out in court. Kaspersky ‘s Chinese subsidiary has brought a court case against local rival Rising , after an escalating war of words between the two companies. The row began in late May, when Kaspersky suffered a false positive, detecting a component of Rising ‘s anti-spyware product as a…

  • US porn spammers convicted

    Two found guilty of CAN-SPAM breaches. A federal jury in Phoenix, Arizona, has found two men guilty of two charges of violating the US CAN-SPAM regulations, as well as other charges including fraud and money laundering. The two men, Californian Jeffrey Kilbride and Arizona citizen James Shaffer, both 41, are thought to have started their…

  • Spanish mobile malware suspect arrested

    28-year-old charged with Cabir/Commwarrior crimes. An unnamed man has been arrested in Valencia, Spain, on suspicion of creating and spreading 20 variants of the Cabir and CommWarrior mobile phone viruses. In a groundbreaking case for the Spanish authorities, the man was arrested on Saturday after a seven-month investigation. It is thought his malware affected more…

  • Phisher gets six years

    Californian receives 70-month prison sentence, avoids 101 years behind bars. A Californian man, found guilty in January this year of operating a phishing scheme aimed at scamming thousands of AOL users, has been sentenced to 70 months in prison. 45-year-old Jeffrey Brett Goodin was found guilty of sending thousands of emails to AOL customers. The…

  • FBI serves up Operation Bot Roast

    Investigations identify more than 1 million victim IP addresses. The FBI has announced the results of an ongoing initiative, dubbed ‘Operation Bot Roast’, which is aimed at disrupting botnet activities and raising public awareness of botnets. According to the FBI’s press release , investigations have identified more than one million victim IP addresses, the owners…

  • Spammer enters guilty plea

    Admits to having spammed 1.2 million AOL customers. A Brooklyn man has pleaded guilty to having sent spam messages to over 1.2 million AOL customers in August 2005. According to the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 26-year-old Adam Vitale and his co-defendant Todd Moeller were caught out after having entered into…

  • Amero case sent for retrial

    Spyware popup teacher told earlier trial was flawed. Connecticut temporary teaching assistant Julie Amero, convicted of exposing minors to danger when a classroom computer she had been using displayed a barrage of pornography, has heard her case will be sent back to the courts after the earlier trial was found to have relied on evidence…

  • Another ‘Spam King’ arrested

    Spammer brought to book after 4-year campaign. A Seattle man was indicted yesterday on numerous charges of fraud and deception in relation to a campaign of spamming dating back to 2003. Charges include mail fraud, identity theft and credit card fraud, as well as violation of email regulations. Among his offences is charging companies for…

  • Symantec sued for false positive

    Chinese FP issue leads to court case. A Chinese lawyer has begun court proceedings against security firm Symantec , claiming damages as a result of the widely-publicised false positive the product raised against a vital Windows component two weeks ago. Speculation about possible compensation payments has been in the air ever since the incident, which…