Tag: legal

  • MySpace wins record payout in case against spammers

    ‘Spam Kings’ Wallace and Rines fined maximum amount under federal law. Social networking site MySpace has been awarded a record $230 million in a lawsuit it filed against well-known spammer Sanford Wallace and his partner Walter Rines after the defendants failed to appear in court. MySpace brought the case against the spammers when it discovered…

  • Users of online banking ‘should have adequate protection’

    New UK banking code says customers who keep their PCs secure will not be responsible for losses due to online theft. A new banking code launched earlier this week by the British’ Bankers Association (BBA) states that customers who ‘use up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a personal firewall’ cannot be held liable for losses…

  • Spammer’s free speech defence fails

    Appeal against conviction turned down. US spammer Jeremy Jaynes, the first spammer convicted in a felony case, has had his last appeal against the conviction, brought on freedom of speech grounds, turned down by a Virginia supreme court. After a 2003 spamming spree accounting for several million messages in a two-month period, Jaynes was convicted…

  • Cybercriminals charged in New Zealand, Korea

    Law closes in on alleged botnet master and rogue anti-spyware maker. Police in New Zealand have charged an 18-year-old in connection with a botnet he is suspected of building and controlling, while in South Korea the head of a company pushing a rogue anti-malware product has also been indicted on fraud charges. In the New…

  • Botnet-herding team arrested in Quebec

    Gang held for managing million-machine zombie net. Canadian police have announced the arrests of up to 17 people in Quebec, in connection with a major botnet operation thought to have controlled as many as 1 million compromised systems all around the world. The Quebec and national police were behind a series of raids across the…

  • Trend vs. ClamAV patent row hots up

    Free software advocates call for boycott of Trend. With legal proceedings ongoing between Trend Micro and gateway appliance specialist Barracuda Networks , concerning Barracuda ‘s implementation of the free, open-source AV software ClamAV and Trend ‘s claims to patents on the use of anti-virus scanners to check email, a Dutch organisation promoting free and open-source…

  • FTC fines spammers over $2.5 million

    Drug pushers busted for phony claims and CAN-SPAM breaches. After a successful case brought by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a pharmaceuticals firm and its head have been fined over $2.5 million and ordered to stop spamming and misrepresenting products. The company, Sili Neutraceuticals, and its boss Brian McDaid were found to have made…

  • 419 scammers plead guilty in US

    African trio admit attempts to defraud via spam. Three men, two from Nigeria and a third from Senegal, entered guilty pleas in a Brooklyn, New York, courtroom last week after being deported from the Netherlands to face trial for running a series of ‘419’ spam scams. Operating in the usual manner for such scams, the…

  • Barracuda battles Trend Micro patent claims

    Trend demands licensing for gateway virus scanning idea. Barracuda Networks has announced it is fighting a legal battle against Trend Micro , who has claimed US patent rights to the concept of scanning traffic passing through network proxies for malware. A licensing issue has been running between the two firms since late 2006, when Trend…

  • First virus-writing arrests in Japan

    Winny worm authors brought to book – for copyright violation. Japan has seen its first ever arrests of virus writers, with three men taken into custody in Kyoto last week and charged with creating worms targeting the Winny file-sharing platform. While no specific virus-writing offence exists under Japanese law, the men were charged with copyright…