Tag: law enforcement

  • Russian ATM hackers arrested

    Gang used customized malware bought on hacker forum. Police in the Siberian city of Yakutsk have arrested a gang of hackers who had installed malware on ATMs throughout the city. The group of criminals appears to have had a very professional structure, with different members performing different roles within its organization. The writing of the…

  • Botnet taken down as ringleaders are arrested

    ‘Mariposa’ included almost 13 million zombies. Spanish authorities have managed to take down the Mariposa botnet – one of the largest of its kind which is believed to have infected in 12.7 million computers worldwide – as well as arresting three of its botherders. Stories of botnets being taken down have become more prevalent recently;…

  • US agencies report vishing, extortion, danger of hacking

    FBI name used in email attacks, CIA warns of power supply hacks. US security and law enforcement agencies were more than usually active in the computer security world last week, with the FBI alerting on increases in voice phishing attempts and a spam campaign posing as mails from the agency itself, while a CIA representative…

  • Magic lanterns shine at terrorists

    Virus Bulletin finds 40% of users think governments should write viruses to bug terrorists. In a survey of visitors to the Virus Bulletin website, 40% of computer users said they thought it was a good idea for governments to write viruses to bug terrorists – however, security professionals disagree. It is an idea that surfaces…

  • E-crime unit to get government funding?

    UK government responds to House of Lords call for better policing of the Internet. The UK government has indicated that it may set up a new national police unit dedicated to tackling computer crime. The hint comes as part of the government’s response to a report issued earlier this year by the Science and Technology…

  • FBI-led panel to provide insight into international fight against cybercrime

    International law enforcement agencies set to join forces at VB2007 in Vienna. International law enforcement agencies are set to join forces at the VB2007 anti-malware conference in Vienna next month to provide an insight into the work of the world’s police forces in the fight against organized online crime. The worldwide cooperation between international law…