Tag: kaspersky

  • AOL drops Kaspersky for McAfee

    Web giant changes provider of free security software for members. Giant ISP and web services provider AOL is offering a free, special edition version of McAfee security software to users registered with its network. The offer replaces a previous offering based on Kaspersky technology, which was quietly taken offline several weeks ago. The customized product,…

  • Ransomware returns

    Trojan hides personal data, demands money with menaces. A new version of a ransomware trojan has been sighted, recalling the warnings of two years ago when similar items first began to strike users, that this type of attack was likely to become commonplace. The latest trojan claims to encrypt files using the RSA 4096 algorithm,…

  • Kaspersky sues Rising

    Feuding AV firms to fight it out in court. Kaspersky ‘s Chinese subsidiary has brought a court case against local rival Rising , after an escalating war of words between the two companies. The row began in late May, when Kaspersky suffered a false positive, detecting a component of Rising ‘s anti-spyware product as a…

  • Symantec presenter spotted using KAV

    Another update embarrassment as rival software pops up. After the recent damaging false positive incident in China, which has led Symantec to offer free software to those hit by the machine-crashing fault, another update-related issue has caused a rather less serious embarrassment to the company. A presenter showing off the details of a new Symantec…

  • Norton FP trashes Chinese systems

    Vital DLLs flagged as malware disable Windows XP across China. A serious false positive, caused by an erroneous update to Symantec ‘s Norton Anti-virus product range issued late last week, has left thousands of Chinese computers in an unusable state. Updates released on Thursday 17 May led the Symantec security software, including Norton Internet Security…