Tag: journalism

  • VB2018 paper: Fake News, Inc.

    “Fake news” is a term that was little used just a handful of years ago, yet by 2017 it had become so prominent in our everyday vocabulary that it was awarded the honour of the Collins Dictionary ‘s ” word of the year “. fake news ( ˌfeɪk ˈnjuːz ) noun: false, often sensational, information…

  • VB2018 paper: Fake News, Inc.

    “Fake news” is a term that was little used just a handful of years ago, yet by 2017 it had become so prominent in our everyday vocabulary that it was awarded the honour of the Collins Dictionary ‘s ” word of the year “. fake news ( ˌfeɪk ˈnjuːz ) noun: false, often sensational, information…

  • Threat intelligence teams should consider recruiting journalists

    These aren’t easy times for journalists. Last week’s laying off of dozens of journalists at BuzzFeed , including its full national security desk, contributed to more than 1,000 media jobs being lost last week . The reasons for these lay-offs are complicated and beyond the topic of this blog. What piqued my interest, though, was…

  • Threat intelligence teams should consider recruiting journalists

    These aren’t easy times for journalists. Last week’s laying off of dozens of journalists at BuzzFeed , including its full national security desk, contributed to more than 1,000 media jobs being lost last week . The reasons for these lay-offs are complicated and beyond the topic of this blog. What piqued my interest, though, was…