Tag: drive-by download

  • Android malware served via compromised websites

    Malware downloaded automatically, but requires user permission to be installed. Researchers at mobile security company Lookout have discovered a number of compromised websites that make Android devices automatically download (but not install) a malicious application. Drive-by downloads are a common threat to PCs and Macs: they are generally served through compromised websites and use unpatched…

  • Researchers find many popular sites serving drive-by downloads

    10 million people exposed to malware served by 25,000 most visited sites alone. Researchers at Barracuda Labs have found that 58 among the 25,000 most popular websites were serving drive-by download exploits at some time in February. The researchers used Alexa to determine the 25,000 most visited websites and scanned these sites during February. On…

  • Mysql.com hacked, serving malware

    Root access to site offered on black market. Yesterday, mysql.com, the official website of the popular database management system MySQL , was hacked and visitors to the website were at risk of being infected with malware. The hack of popular websites is nothing new, and with such sites serving as the shop windows of the…

  • Spammers turn to DoubleClick for open redirect

    Loophole in Google’s AdSense solved, but new flaw quickly uncovered. The good name of web giant Google continues to be a popular source of legitimacy among spammers, despite their efforts to shut down loopholes open to abuse. Last month, Google fixed an open redirect in its AdSense ad serving program. The open redirect had become…

  • Mass attack infects over half a million web pages

    United Nations and UK Government sites among those infected by SQL injection. Hackers have managed to insert malicious code into hundreds of thousands of websites, making their pages serve malware to users who have not patched their computers. Among the affected sites are various websites run by the United Nations as well as by the…

  • China-Tibet row spills over into malware attacks

    Both sides of debate targeted to spread malicious code. With the political row over China’s involvement in Tibet continuing to make the headlines, cybercriminals have been as quick as ever to exploit the public interest in the topic, using the story as a hook for several malware attacks. The first was as wave of SQL-based…

  • From Simple Mail to Hypertext

    HTTP and FTP take over from SMTP as common malware spreading methods. A report from F-Secure has highlighted the recent shift in malware spreading methods from email to web-based methods. For many years, malware authors’ preferred method of spreading their wares was to send out masses of emails that contained a piece of malware as…

  • More ‘trusted sites’ carrying iframe danger

    Big wave of website infections could affect tens of thousands of sites, Trend Micro latest victim. Earlier this week McAfee reported a major outbreak of website infections, with as many as 20,000 sites thought to have been hit with a single wave of malicious iframe insertion attacks. Since then, Trend Micro ‘s website has been…

  • ‘Search engines should do more to fight malware’

    85% of users think that search engines should be doing more. According to a recent poll, 85% of visitors to the VB website think that search engines should be doing more to fight malware, but experts say the matter is more complicated than that. A recent paper by researchers at Google revealed that more than…

  • Over 1 per cent of search results include malicious sites

    Google research paper confirms significant increase in number of malware-serving websites. Recent reports of increasing numbers of websites serving malicious content have been confirmed in a paper published by researchers from Google . The researchers report finding over three million URLs serving malware, as detected by at least one anti-virus program, with another three million…