Tag: ddos

  • Dutch citizens keep extra cash at hand following DDoS attacks

    Month-long attacks had significant impact. 25% of Dutch citizens have followed advice to keep extra cash at home, following a recent spate of DDoS attacks on Dutch banks. At the beginning of April, customers of Dutch bank ING reported that the balance of their online bank account wasn’t what they expected it to be, with…

  • WordPress pingback used for DDoS attacks

    Millions of sites could potentially be used in attack. Security firm Incapsula reports that it has discovered a DDoS attack on a gaming website using thousands of legitimate WordPress blogs without the need for them to be compromised. Today’s most common method for DDoS attacks uses DNS amplification (also known as ‘DNS reflection’): a DNS…

  • Dutchman arrested in Spain for DDoS attacks on Spamhaus

    Suspect drove around in ‘mobile bunker’ to co-ordinate attacks. Police in Spain have arrested a 35-year-old Dutchman, believed to be responsible for the DDoS attacks on Spamhaus last month. Although the Dutch public prosecutor has only identified the suspect as ‘SK’, it is almost certain that he is Sven Olaf Kamphuis, spokesman for hosting provider…

  • Anonymous petitions Obama Administration

    “Make DDoS a legal form of protest.” Hacking/protest group Anonymous has petitioned the Obama Administration to recognize DDoS attacks as a legal form of protest. The petition suggests that, rather than being a form of hacking, DDoS attacks are more like a form of ‘occupy’ protest (a recognised legal form of protest), arguing that “Instead…

  • Cybercriminals offering service flooding email, phone and SMS

    DDoS-type attack could seriously disrupt business. A new service is being offered on underground forums where between 25,000 and 100,000 emails are being sent to an email account within a short period of time, security blogger Brian Krebs reports. The emails, which effectively perform a DDoS attack on the email account, could be seriously disruptive…

  • International co-operation leads to scareware arrests

    ChronoPay co-founder arrested for DDoS attacks on rivals. Last week, Russian authorities arrested Pavel Vrublevsky, co-founder of ChronoPay , Russia’s largest processor of online payments, for performing a DDoS attack on the company’s rivals. Based on leaked emails, security researchers believe Vrublevsky and his company are also behind prominent rogue online pharmacy programs as well…

  • Botnet rented for online extortion

    Man who threatened World Cup bookmakers with DDoS attack convicted. A German man who hired a botnet and used it to threaten bookmakers with DDoS attacks during the 2010 FIFA World Cup has been convicted of six counts of computer sabotage by a court in Düsseldorf. The man hired a Russian botnet for US$65 a…

  • Anti-Obama sentiments used in spam campaign

    ‘DDoS software’ turns out to be malware. In a new spam campaign users are being urged to participate in a DDoS attack on the website of American president Barack Obama in protest against his healthcare reforms. The email contains a link to a piece of software that users can download to participate in the attack.…

  • Korea DDoS surge mired in hype and confusion

    Rows rumble on over sources and targets of botnet attacks. Last week’s gush of denial-of-service attacks has sparked considerable excitement and argument, with rumours of possible links to North Korean aggression leading to frenzied hype and ill-founded suggestions of the outbreak of cyberwar. The attacks targeted a range of servers, notably government and news websites…

  • BBC botnet hijack proves controversial

    Legal issues raised by broadcaster’s demo of spamming, DDoS, cleanup attempt. A BBC report into the dangers of botnets has got the corporation into hot water, after reporters took control of a cluster of hijacked systems, used them to demonstrate the ability to send spam and launch denial of service attacks, and then adjusted infected…