Tag: ddos

  • VB2019 paper: Exploring the Chinese DDoS landscape

    China has long been a hotbed of DDoS activities, with several groups operating in this space and attacks being performed that are criminal in nature but also that are in line with the country’s geopolitical interests. In a paper presented a VB2019 in London, Intezer researcher Nacho Sanmillan explored the Chinese DDoS threat landscape. In…

  • Tendency for DDoS attacks to become less volumetric fits in a wider trend

    A current trend sees DDoS attacks focusing less on large volume attacks and more on attacks that exhaust server resources, Cloudflare reports . The number of layer 7 attacks per day. Source: Cloudflare. This makes sense. The purpose of a DDoS attack is to render a service unavailable, and as increased defences have made it…

  • Tendency for DDoS attacks to become less volumetric fits in a wider trend

    A current trend sees DDoS attacks focusing less on large volume attacks and more on attacks that exhaust server resources, Cloudflare reports . The number of layer 7 attacks per day. Source: Cloudflare. This makes sense. The purpose of a DDoS attack is to render a service unavailable, and as increased defences have made it…

  • WireX DDoS botnet takedown shows the best side of the security industry

    It is easy to be cynical about the security industry and its tendency to make ever bigger mountains out of molehills, but behind a thin layer of marketing, there are a great many people who really care about making the world a more secure place. We have seen many examples of researchers from competitor companies…

  • WireX DDoS botnet takedown shows the best side of the security industry

    It is easy to be cynical about the security industry and its tendency to make ever bigger mountains out of molehills, but behind a thin layer of marketing, there are a great many people who really care about making the world a more secure place. We have seen many examples of researchers from competitor companies…

  • Throwback Thursday: Tools of the DDoS Trade

    According to a recent report by analytics firm Neustar (summarized in a Threatpost blog post here ), DDoS attacks are on the increase, are taking longer to detect, and are costing firms more to fix – with an average loss per attack of roughly $2.5 million among those companies surveyed . Back in 2000, DDoS attacks…

  • Throwback Thursday: Tools of the DDoS Trade

    According to a recent report by analytics firm Neustar (summarized in a Threatpost blog post here ), DDoS attacks are on the increase, are taking longer to detect, and are costing firms more to fix – with an average loss per attack of roughly $2.5 million among those companies surveyed . Back in 2000, DDoS attacks…

  • VB2015 paper: DDoS Trojan: A Malicious Concept that Conquered the ELF Format

    Recently, a new trend has emerged in non- Windows DDoS attacks. Malware has evolved into complex and relatively sophisticated pieces of code, employing compression, advanced encryption and even rootkit capabilities. Machines running systems supporting the ELF format are targeted – meaning that anything from desktops and servers to IoT devices such as routers or digital…

  • VB2015 paper: DDoS Trojan: A Malicious Concept that Conquered the ELF Format

    Recently, a new trend has emerged in non- Windows DDoS attacks. Malware has evolved into complex and relatively sophisticated pieces of code, employing compression, advanced encryption and even rootkit capabilities. Machines running systems supporting the ELF format are targeted – meaning that anything from desktops and servers to IoT devices such as routers or digital…

  • Throwback Thursday: What DDoS it all Mean?

    This Throwback Thursday, we turn the clock back to March 2000, when DDoS attacks were a newly emerging menace. Today, DDoS attacks are a well-known form of cyber abuse — indeed, even this week, Swiss encrypted webmail provider ProtonMail has been the target of a sustained DDoS attack. In early 2000, however, DDoS attacks were…