Tag: corporate

  • Kaspersky shuffles structure ready for IPO

    Corporate reshaping prepares company for floatation. Russian security experts Kaspersky Lab have announced the setting up of a board of directors to run the company, as a step along the road to market floatation. While the people at the top of the company remain largely unchanged – Natalya Kasperksy has become Chairman of the Board,…

  • MessageLabs may be next takeover target

    Managed services provider thought ripe for acquisition. Managed security specialist MessageLabs has been labelled a likely candidate for takeover by one of the industry giants, in a report by market and merger experts at the Financial Times . In the wake of the acquisition of rival firm Postini by web behemoth Google , MessageLabs has…

  • Security industry future looks solid, say analysts

    Reports predict revenues will continue rising. Analyst firm Global Industry Analysts (GIA) has released its latest report on the future of the IT security market, predicting ‘stupendous growth’ and suggesting revenues may exceed $79 billion by 2010. The study backs up a recent Frost & Sullivan report on the anti-malware market, also suggesting strong growth…

  • Google buys Postini

    Managed security service snapped up by giant. Ever-expanding web giant Google has continued its growth into both security and software-as-service spheres with the $625 million acquisition of major email security provider Postini . Managed service provider Postini was set up in California in 1999 and now boasts 14 data centres around the world, with 35,000…

  • Kaspersky sues Rising

    Feuding AV firms to fight it out in court. Kaspersky ‘s Chinese subsidiary has brought a court case against local rival Rising , after an escalating war of words between the two companies. The row began in late May, when Kaspersky suffered a false positive, detecting a component of Rising ‘s anti-spyware product as a…

  • Symantec presenter spotted using KAV

    Another update embarrassment as rival software pops up. After the recent damaging false positive incident in China, which has led Symantec to offer free software to those hit by the machine-crashing fault, another update-related issue has caused a rather less serious embarrassment to the company. A presenter showing off the details of a new Symantec…

  • Google buys into security

    Google makes stealth purchase of security firm. Search and entertainment giant Google completed the purchase of Internet security firm GreenBorder Technologies in mid-May – but hasn’t so much as mentioned the acquisition, even on its new Google Online Security Blog . GreenBorder operates using what it terms ‘just-in-time virtualization’ technology. When a web browser is…

  • Verizon acquires Cybertrust

    ICSA Labs parent company subsumed. Verizon Business , a division of Verizon Communications has announced that it is set to acquire managed security services supplier Cybertrust . The privately held Cybertrust provides identity management, vulnerability and threat management services; and professional services, including forensics and risk analysis. Verizon plans to use the acquisition to extend…

  • Microsoft to beat Symantec to corporate release punch

    With Forefront due out soon, Symantec’s latest release suffers further delay. Microsoft has announced the release to manufacture of Forefront Client , the corporate implementation of its anti-virus technology, with full sales release expected within weeks. Current market leader in the corporate AV market Symantec , meanwhile, has announced further delays to the release of…

  • A new generation of Panda

    Panda sells majority shareholding. Spanish security vendor Panda Software has announced the sale of 75% of its shareholding to southern European investment group Investindustrial and private equity firm Gala Capital . Existing shareholders Berta Frías, Jose Maria Hernandez and Mikel Urizarbarrena retain the remaining 25% of the company and will continue to act as members…