Tag: book review

  • Book review: Cyberdanger: Understanding and Guarding Against Cybercrime

    Security researcher Paul Baccas reviews ‘Cyberdanger: Understanding and Guarding Against Cybercrime’ by Eddy Willems Title: Cyberdanger: Understanding and Guarding Against Cybercrime Author: Eddy Willems Publisher: Springer ISBN-10: 3030045307 ISBN-13: 978-3030045302 This was a difficult book to review for two reasons – first, because I know Eddy from the conference circuit, and second, because it was…

  • Book Review: Cyber Wars

    At a recent security conference, one speaker asked how many of the audience remembered the 2007 Storm Worm . Only about half the members of the audience of malware researchers raised their hand. Infosec isn’t very good at institutional memory and the vast amount of new information that deluges those working in the industry often…

  • Book Review: Cyber Wars

    At a recent security conference, one speaker asked how many of the audience remembered the 2007 Storm Worm . Only about half the members of the audience of malware researchers raised their hand. Infosec isn’t very good at institutional memory and the vast amount of new information that deluges those working in the industry often…

  • Book review: Serious Cryptography

    This year, Alice and Bob will have been exchanging messages for 40 years. In terms of their contribution to cryptography, they have been almost as important as that other invention of their creators Rivest, Shamir and Alderman: the RSA cryptosystem. Alice and Bob have helped a great many people understand the basics of what is…

  • Book review: Serious Cryptography

    This year, Alice and Bob will have been exchanging messages for 40 years. In terms of their contribution to cryptography, they have been almost as important as that other invention of their creators Rivest, Shamir and Alderman: the RSA cryptosystem. Alice and Bob have helped a great many people understand the basics of what is…

  • Book review: Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet

    This review, by VB Editor Martijn Grooten, was originally published in the Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICON). It is republished with their kind permission. Title: Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet Author: Finn Brunton Publisher: The MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 2013. ISBN: 9780262018876 / 9780262527576 / 9780262313933 Those…

  • Book review: Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet

    This review, by VB Editor Martijn Grooten, was originally published in the Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICON). It is republished with their kind permission. Title: Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet Author: Finn Brunton Publisher: The MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 2013. ISBN: 9780262018876 / 9780262527576 / 9780262313933 Those…

  • Book review: The Florentine Deception, by Carey Nachenberg

    John Hawes reviews Carey Nachenberg’s debut novel. There’s a rather serious problem with fiction involving computers, and computer security in particular. It seems like any time a computer appears in a work of fiction, especially in a Hollywood movie or a TV show, any attempt to adhere to reality goes out the window. The ubiquitous…

  • Book review: Data and Goliath, by Bruce Schneier

    Paul Baccas reviews Data and Goliath ‘The Hidden Battles to Collect You Data and Control Your World’, by Bruce Schneier. This book has been difficult to review. It has proved tricky not because I didn’t enjoy the book or because it was boring or badly written, but because it was so pertinent. Every time I…