Tag: book

  • Book Review: Cyber Wars

    At a recent security conference, one speaker asked how many of the audience remembered the 2007 Storm Worm . Only about half the members of the audience of malware researchers raised their hand. Infosec isn’t very good at institutional memory and the vast amount of new information that deluges those working in the industry often…

  • Book Review: Cyber Wars

    At a recent security conference, one speaker asked how many of the audience remembered the 2007 Storm Worm . Only about half the members of the audience of malware researchers raised their hand. Infosec isn’t very good at institutional memory and the vast amount of new information that deluges those working in the industry often…

  • Book review: Serious Cryptography

    This year, Alice and Bob will have been exchanging messages for 40 years. In terms of their contribution to cryptography, they have been almost as important as that other invention of their creators Rivest, Shamir and Alderman: the RSA cryptosystem. Alice and Bob have helped a great many people understand the basics of what is…

  • Book review: Serious Cryptography

    This year, Alice and Bob will have been exchanging messages for 40 years. In terms of their contribution to cryptography, they have been almost as important as that other invention of their creators Rivest, Shamir and Alderman: the RSA cryptosystem. Alice and Bob have helped a great many people understand the basics of what is…

  • Book review: Countdown to Zero Day

    Kim Zetter’s book on Stuxnet is a must-read for anyone interested in malware – or in 21st century geopolitics. There is a tendency among the media to call every hack ‘advanced’, to blame every attack on a nation state, and to label every industrial failure as ‘cyber’. It is good to approach such stories with…

  • Book review: Bulletproof SSL and TLS

    Must-read for anyone working with one of the Internet’s most important protocols. I was reading Ivan Ristić’s book Bulletproof SSL and TLS when rumours started to appear about an attack against SSL 3.0, which would soon become commonly known as the ‘ POODLE ‘ attack. Thanks to the book, I was quickly able to read…

  • ‘Cyberdanger’ informs general audience of IT security

    Eddy Willems’ book is a pleasant read on an important subject. Security expert Eddy Willems has written a book. The friendly Belgian, currently G Data ‘s Security Evangelist, is a veteran of the security industry – and usually, that mere fact would make many a reader of this blog run to the nearest book shop…