Tag: arrest

  • Japanese super-spammer arrested

    Tokyo man sent 2.2 billion emails. A 25-year-old man was arrested in Tokyo last week, suspected of sending 2.2 billion spam emails. Yukio Shiina was picked up by police on Friday, after his ISP reported him sending huge amounts of email. Suspected to have bought some 600,000 email addresses, he made a 2,000% profit on…

  • 419 scammers plead guilty in US

    African trio admit attempts to defraud via spam. Three men, two from Nigeria and a third from Senegal, entered guilty pleas in a Brooklyn, New York, courtroom last week after being deported from the Netherlands to face trial for running a series of ‘419’ spam scams. Operating in the usual manner for such scams, the…

  • First virus-writing arrests in Japan

    Winny worm authors brought to book – for copyright violation. Japan has seen its first ever arrests of virus writers, with three men taken into custody in Kyoto last week and charged with creating worms targeting the Winny file-sharing platform. While no specific virus-writing offence exists under Japanese law, the men were charged with copyright…

  • Prolific spammer indicted

    Notorious spammer Alan Ralsky charged with spamming and stock fraud. Infamous prolific spammer Alan Ralsky has been indicted over his alleged involvement in an international spamming and stock fraud scheme. Charges against Ralsky, who has long topped Spamhaus ‘s Register of Known Spam Operations ( ROKSO ) list, and ten others – including Ralsky’s son-in-law…

  • Teenage botherder arrested in New Zealand

    International cooperation also leads to eight arrests in the US. Police in New Zealand have arrested an 18-year-old youth believed to be the herder of a botnet of 1.3 million computers, reports the BBC . The hacker, who uses the online name ‘Akill’, has been released after questioning, but is still being investigated. The arrest…

  • Fujacks/Panda virus authors sentenced, offered job

    Fujacks author put away for four years. Four men who were charged last month with writing, selling and spreading the W32/Fujacks virus and worm (a.k.a. the ‘Panda burning joss-sticks’ virus) have been sentenced in a Chinese court, with the self-confessed author of the virus being sent to prison for four years. But 25-year-old lead programmer…

  • Four charged with writing Fujacks

    Malware authors and sellers appear in Chinese court. Four men have appeared in a public court in Hubei Province, China, charged with writing, selling and spreading the W32/Fujacks virus and worm, often referred to as the ‘Panda burning joss-sticks’ virus in reference to the icon marking infected files in some variants. The W32/Fujacks family of…

  • 26 phishing arrests in Italy

    Police swoop on Poste Italiane spam scam gangs. In a first for Italy, the Guardia Di Finanza has made 26 arrests from two separate groups of phishing fraudsters, in the culmination of an operation, dubbed ‘Phish and Chip’, aimed at tracking down phishers defrauding banking clients of the national postal service Poste Italiane . The…

  • SEC brings case against pump-and-dump spammers

    Scam spotted after spammed mail sent to SEC lawyer. Two men from Texas have been charged with a range of spam and fraud offences after a 20-month campaign using botnets to spam pump-and-dump mails aimed at pushing up the price of a range of ‘penny’ stocks. Their scam came to the attention of the US…

  • Spanish mobile malware suspect arrested

    28-year-old charged with Cabir/Commwarrior crimes. An unnamed man has been arrested in Valencia, Spain, on suspicion of creating and spreading 20 variants of the Cabir and CommWarrior mobile phone viruses. In a groundbreaking case for the Spanish authorities, the man was arrested on Saturday after a seven-month investigation. It is thought his malware affected more…