Tag: android

  • Android malware served via compromised websites

    Malware downloaded automatically, but requires user permission to be installed. Researchers at mobile security company Lookout have discovered a number of compromised websites that make Android devices automatically download (but not install) a malicious application. Drive-by downloads are a common threat to PCs and Macs: they are generally served through compromised websites and use unpatched…

  • Android malware hides inside JPG image

    New LeNa variant no longer depends on rooted devices. Researchers at Lookout have discovered a new version of the ‘LeNa’ trojan for Android that does not require user interaction to gain root access to the device. A previous version of the trojan, which was detected last summer, depended on the device being rooted; a minority…

  • SMS trojan targets Android users in eight western countries

    Will another piece of mobile malware convince Google manager of the seriousness of the threat? Researchers at Kaspersky have discovered an SMS trojan for Android phones that targets users in eight western countries. This trojan, which masquerades as an SMS monitoring app, gives an error message upon being launched, suggesting that it is incompatible with…

  • Zitmo trojan for Android defeats two-factor authentication

    Malware intercepts TANs sent via SMS. A new variant of the Zitmo trojan has been discovered that infects mobile devices running the Android platform and which intercepts SMS messages from banks sending mobile TAN numbers, thus potentially defeating two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is used by many banks to prevent a customer’s online banking account being…

  • DroidKungFu command and control server may be mobile device

    Android trojan makes use of root exploit. Researchers at Fortinet have discovered a command and control server for the ‘DroidKungFu’ Android trojan that appears to be a mobile device itself. While malware for mobile devices has become more prevalent in recent months, it is believed attacks are still carried out from static computers and servers.…

  • AVG to acquire DroidSecurity

    Security firm set to expand solutions to mobile devices. Czech security firm AVG has announced the acquisition of Tel Aviv-based DroidSecurity , a specialist in cloud-based protection of smartphones, tablets and other devices running on Google ‘s Android operating system. DroidSecurity ‘s mobile security app, antivirus free , consistently ranks in the top 50 most…

  • Android SMS trojan goes wild

    Premium-rate text scam shows growing cracks in smart phone security. The first known SMS trojan affecting smart phones running Google ‘s Android operating system has been observed in the wild, highlighting growing cracks in the security veneer of the latest range of glossy smart phones. The trojan was first identified by researchers at Kaspersky Lab…