VB2016 call for last-minute papers opened, discounts announced

Today, we opened the call for last-minute papers for VB2016.

The VB2016 conference


is already chock-a-block with more than 40 talks on a wide range of security subjects – but the security landscape changes quickly and, as in previous years, we have set aside a number of slots for ”


” papers, dealing with emerging and hot topics.

We are now calling for proposals for those last-minute papers.

How to submit

The deadline for submissions for last-minute papers is Sunday 4 September and we will make a selection very shortly thereafter, aiming to notify all speakers within a week of that date.

You can read the full call for papers


, or go directly to the

abstract submission site

. (

Please note that, despite the name “paper”, we do not require last-minute speakers to provide a full written paper.



Register for VB2016 – places still available – discounts available

You can still


for the conference and, for those who have never attended a VB conference before, and who represent a company that has never sent anyone to attend before, we are offering a

30% discount

on the registration price.

For those working in academia or for charitable organizations, we offer a

50% discount

, while students in full-time education get a

70% discount

on the full ticket price.

Finally, we always welcome members of the press to attend the VB conference; there are a limited number of free press passes available, for which members of the press can apply.

Should you have questions about the call for papers, about how to claim a discount, or about registering for the conference, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

[email protected]







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