The world from an email marketer’s point of view

Spam King Scott Richter says he is “out to make the Internet a better place with email marketing” .

High-profile email marketer Scott Richter, aka the ‘Spam King’, has told PC World that his company is “out to make the Internet a better place with email marketing”.

Richter, who recently

fell at the first hurdle in his bid

to launch a ‘Spam King’-branded line of clothing, also told PC World that his company is looking seriously at launching a spam filtering product.

The full interview – including Richter’s thoughts on why companies such as his are needed by the spam-filtering companies, why he believes his company is doing nothing wrong and why he thinks the FBI is putting too much effort into tracking down spammers – can be read



Posted on 07 July 2004 by

Virus Bulletin






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