Decompiling Excel Formula (XF) 4.0 malware


malware has been around for a long time. In the past I’ve written several blog posts [








] about the basics and beyond. In this article we’ll focus on Excel Formula (XF) 4.0. I wasn’t too familiar with XF 4.0 before I started looking into it, so learn with me.

You can find VBA macros easily by decompressing some streams and looking at the source (that is, if it hasn’t been removed or replaced to avoid detection).


, if the p-code is compiled on the same VBA version, will simply run the p-code instead of compiling the source from scratch.

So when we deal with XF, where is the source? Is there a source? Where is the p-code? What actually runs and how does it run? That’s what I’ll try to explain in this short article.

All the magic happens in the Workbook stream. This is a simple stream to parse and


has documented it well (a very different situation compared to when we had to reverse the OLE2 file format in the late ’90s). There are many tools to extract streams from


documents, and any engine out there will provide access to the Workbook by default. The Workbook itself is 171,506 bytes long.

To start with, how do we find out if a file with XF has a macro sheet inserted? If we look at record 133 (boundsheet8) there are clear signs that indicate that a file requires further inspection (macro sheet, hidden, very hidden, etc.). The following table shows some of the records of interest that will encourage you to gather more intelligence:



Contains the binary code that runs the compiled code.
Specifies a defined name.
Specifies string constants.
Specifies a location of sets of strings which are shared in a table (index into the SST table).
Specifies the range of the sheet (rows and columns).
Specifies the numeric data of a single cell.
Specifies a series of cells with their numerical data.
Specifies a cell that contains a string.
Specifies the beginning of a workbook and what type of substream it is.

Armed with this we’ll have a look at a sample:


. When I first checked the sample (which was two hours old on


), it was detected by only five engines.


So what’s so special about it? Why did so many engines seem to miss it when the sample was new? That’s what interested me. Commonly used tools like


didn’t extract much useful information – which, again, added to my curiosity.

It has a visible macro sheet, which has a macro called Auto_Open (this name is a keyword defined from a list of possible names). In total it contains two sheets: Sheet1 and IFKPCYYA, which is the macro sheet.

When we get to the macro sheet, we find this BOF (offset 160606):


This means, as you can also find in the boundsheet8 record, that there are macros in the workstream. To find them we’ll look for the Formula records.

When we find the first Formula record (at offset 162110 in the Workbook) it looks like this:


What does this mean? When you look at the documentation for a


record you’ll find that is has a header (20 bytes) which describes which cell it relates to and gives you more meta data about what is going to happen. The next two bytes give you the length of the actual opcodes (0x000F). The next record is 0x17, which is a


. This contains, amongst others, the length of the embedded string. The next opcode you’ll find is 0x1e –


, which signals that an Integer is to follow. The last opcode in this section is 0x42 –


. This describes what function it wants to invoke and how many parameters this function requires.

When you convert the Formula record shown above to code, you’ll get:

row 1, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
 17 05 00 78 5F 62 32     PtgStr: x_b2w
 1E 00 00                 PtgInt: 0
 42 02 3D 80              PtgFuncVar: DEFINE.NAME, param=2, tab=61, fCeFunc=1

You can see that it seems to push two variables to a stack (the string ‘x_b2w’ and the integer 0). It then invokes the function DEFINE.NAME. It looks like it’s setting the variable ‘x_b2w’ to 0.

The next formula (at offset 162837) looks like this:


After the header (which is dumped first) we see the following code being run:

row 2, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
 43 02 00 00 00           PtgName: index 2
 1E 31 00                 PtgInt: 49
 09                       PtgLt:
 41 AC 00                 PtgFunc: WHILE (172)

It’s starting to build a while loop, while index 2 (which’ll I’ll describe shortly) is compared against the integer 49, and as long as it’s LT (less than), it will iterate.

Index 2 brings me on to some of the other records you’ll need (mentioned in the table) to fetch data needed for the disassembly. Sometimes you’ll see them reference data in sheets; strings, integers or doubles.

There is an


record (offset 11932 in the Workbook stream):


This describes two entries. The second one is the string ‘x_l5’. So now you know it is comparing the value x_l5 to the integer 49. Not a surprise as the previous opcode set it to 0.

This is a quest you’ll need to follow with the rest of the opcodes, and the following is what it will look like once you complete this quest:

row 1, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    17 05 00 78 5F 62 32     PtgStr: x_b2w
    1E 00 00                 PtgInt: 0
    42 02 3D 80              PtgFuncVar: DEFINE.NAME, param=2, tab=61, fCeFunc=1
row 2, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    43 02 00 00 00           PtgName: index 2
    1E 31 00                 PtgInt: 49
    09                       PtgLt:
    41 AC 00                 PtgFunc: WHILE (172)
row 3, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    17 04 00 78 5F 6C 35     PtgStr: x_l5
    1F 00 00 00 00 00 00     PtgNum: 0.000000
    42 02 3D 80              PtgFuncVar: DEFINE.NAME, param=2, tab=61, fCeFunc=1
row 4, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    17 05 00 78 5F 62 32     PtgStr: x_b2w
    43 02 00 00 00           PtgName: index 2
    1E 01 00                 PtgInt: 1
    03                       PtgAdd:
    42 02 3D 80              PtgFuncVar: DEFINE.NAME, param=2, tab=61, fCeFunc=1
row 5, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    43 03 00 00 00           PtgName: index 3
    1E 16 00                 PtgInt: 22
    09                       PtgLt:
    41 AC 00                 PtgFunc: WHILE (172)
row 6, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 00 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    17 04 00 78 5F 6C 35     PtgStr: x_l5
    43 03 00 00 00           PtgName: index 3
    1E 01 00                 PtgInt: 1
    03                       PtgAdd:
    42 02 3D 80              PtgFuncVar: DEFINE.NAME, param=2, tab=61, fCeFunc=1
row 7, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=02 00 1D 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    19 01 00 00              PtgAttrSemi:
    43 03 00 00 00           PtgName: index 3
    1E 01 00                 PtgInt: 1
    03                       PtgAdd:
    1E 26 00                 PtgInt: 38
    43 02 00 00 00           PtgName: index 2
    03                       PtgAdd:
    42 02 DB 00              PtgFuncVar: ADDRESS, param=2, tab=219, fCeFunc=0
    42 01 94 00              PtgFuncVar: INDIRECT, param=1, tab=148, fCeFunc=0
    17 09 00 6B 6F 76 65     PtgStr: koveowvnb
    0B                       PtEq:
row 8, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=02 01 1D 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    19 01 00 00              PtgAttrSemi:
    44 2C 00 01 C0           PtgRef: loc col=1, row=44, value=EMPTY
    43 03 00 00 00           PtgName: index 3
    1E 01 00                 PtgInt: 1
    03                       PtgAdd:
    1E 26 00                 PtgInt: 38
    43 02 00 00 00           PtgName: index 2
    03                       PtgAdd:
    42 02 DB 00              PtgFuncVar: ADDRESS, param=2, tab=219, fCeFunc=0
    42 01 94 00              PtgFuncVar: INDIRECT, param=1, tab=148, fCeFunc=0
    08                       PtgConcat:
row 9, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=02 01 1D 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    44 07 00 00 C0           PtgRef: loc col=0, row=7, value=EMPTY
    19 02 12 00              PtgAttrIf: 0012
    17 04 00 78 5F 6C 35     PtgStr: x_l5
    1E 18 00                 PtgInt: 24
    42 02 3D 80              PtgFuncVar: DEFINE.NAME, param=2, tab=61, fCeFunc=1
    19 08 14 00              PtgAttrGoto: 0014
    24 2C 00 01 C0           PtgRef: loc col=1, row=44, value=EMPTY
    44 08 00 00 C0           PtgRef: loc col=0, row=8, value=EMPTY
    41 6C 00                 PtgFunc: SET.VALUE (108)
    19 08 03 00              PtgAttrGoto: 0003
    42 03 01 00              PtgFuncVar: IF, param=3, tab=1, fCeFunc=0
row 10, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    41 AE 00                 PtgFunc: NEXT (174)
row 11, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
    44 2C 00 01 C0           PtgRef: loc col=1, row=44, value=EMPTY
    17 02 00 52 5B           PtgStr: R[
    43 02 00 00 00           PtgName: index 2
    08                       PtgConcat:
    17 05 00 5D 43 5B 30     PtgStr: ]C[0]
     08                       PtgConcat:
     19 40 00 01              PtgAttrSpace: 0100
     24 48 00 00 C0           PtgRef: loc col=0, row=72, value=EMPTY
     21 4F 00                 PtgFunc: ABSREF (79)
     42 02 60 80              PtgFuncVar: FORMULA, param=2, tab=96, fCeFunc=1
row 12, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 00 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
     24 2C 00 01 C0           PtgRef: loc col=1, row=44, value=EMPTY
     17 00 00                 PtgStr:
     41 6C 00                 PtgFunc: SET.VALUE (108)
row 13, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 01 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
     41 AE 00                 PtgFunc: NEXT (174)
row 202, col 0, ifxe 15, FormulaValue=01 00 00 00 00 00 fExpr0=FFFF flags=0000
     42 00 36 00              PtgFuncVar: HALT, param=0, tab=54, fCeFunc=0

So, we see two loops, an outer one and an inner one. Basically, you see an outer loop decrypting one line at a time with the inner loop, then calling the function Formula to execute the decrypted statement. This means it has hidden code present – and in my view, there should be no reason not to block this file.

In addition, for complete clarity, you’ll need to find the data in the locations it reads and writes to – hence the other records you need to enumerate to access and decode the contents of locations. This is in case you want to do more than just disassemble the code, but maybe let the logic unfold to access each unencrypted command?

What more can we extract from this sample from looking at the Workbook stream? Some source code? You could probably build a pretty good source code from the p-code, but in this sample there is another way.

=SET.VALUE(R3C3,"GVSHUDMM)ejkf^`+#ubq!u20>[email protected])!#Ljbsntngs/WNKISUO#!*:#(")
=SET.VALUE(R15C3,"<[email protected])MPV)(,!1/;/1910#(")
=FORMULA(R57C5, ABSREF("R["&R21C4&"]C[0]",R41C2))

In short, the sheet is built of columns and rows, and ‘

all you need to do

‘ is to build your own virtual sheet and map each resource record (string, integer, double, etc.) ‘from each sheet’ from the Workbook stream into this virtual sheet. Each resource record seems to contain a random piece of the puzzle, and the coordinates for each piece solve the puzzle. Then you can extract the ‘source’ of the sheet(s) without opening


at all. Cell access is also needed to get the input data the p-code needs should you want to ‘run it’.

If we compare the ‘source code’ inner loop and look at the p-code, there seem to be big differences. The source code does some decryption, while the p-code doesn’t seem to do so.




) runs only command-line scanners of each product and does not test all the other layers each product has to offer to protect a real user. It could be that the products offer other layers of defence that would catch the sample if it works (I have some doubts about whether it works, based on this research), but I still think the sample reveals enough obvious hints for a simple command-line scanner to have picked it up in the first place.

Going from here you have many options to take this to the next level, which is for another time.

Writing good support for XF 4.0 should be an effort anti-malware companies should make, and even though XF has been around for a while you might want to update the support as this trends up. Let me know if you need help. I’ve really enjoyed researching XF 4.0 for a few days in my spare time and I will now start the quest for the next area that needs research!






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