Next VB100 comparative announced

SUSE test to challenge Linux products.

The latest round of VB100 testing has been announced, with a comparative to be run on



SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

in January. Products supporting the platform will be measured against the usual strict criteria to find if they are worthy of a coveted VB100 award.

The deadline for the comparative has been set for Wednesday 6 January, with the test set deadline on 2 January. Solutions hoping to achieve certification will have to detect all samples included on the latest WildList available on that date, without generating any false positives in


‘s extensive clean sets.

The review will also cover a range of other criteria including design and usability of solutions, performance measurements and detection rates against a range of additional test sets, including


‘s unique RAP test system which compares detection of known and new samples.

Product vendors interested in taking part in the comparative should contact

John Hawes

for further information. The test that follows the


test will be on

Windows XP

and will take place in March – the schedule for future comparatives is



The results of the


test will be published in the February issue of

Virus Bulletin

, available (from 1 February) to subscribers only – see


for details of how to subscribe.

Posted on 09 December 2009 by

Virus Bulletin





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