Nominations opened for second Péter Ször Award

‘Brilliant mind and a true gentleman’ commemorated through annual award for technical security research.

During VB2014 in Seattle, we


the first annual Péter Ször Award to a group of


researchers for their work on ‘Operation Windigo’. The award was set up to commemorate of the life and work of security researcher Péter Ször, who passed away in November 2013.

Péter Ször contributed almost 40 articles to

Virus Bulletin

over the years, spoke at several


conferences, and served for more than ten years on the


advisory board. He was also well known as the author of the popular

The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense

— a book which, for many, served as their first introduction to and basic grounding in computer security. Most importantly, he was known by everyone who encountered him for his great kindness and generosity.

Pierre-Marc Bureau, Marc-Etienne Léveillé and Alexis Dorais-Joncas with their award.

We are now seeking nominations for the second award. It will be awarded for the

best technical security research published between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015

. You can use

this form

to send in your nominations, or else do so by emailing

[email protected]


The award will be presented during


, which takes place 30 September to 2 October in Prague, Czech Republic.

Posted on 29 June 2015 by

Martijn Grooten





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