VB2016 preview: Wild Android Collusions

Most research into and protection against malicious apps focuses on single apps. This makes it interesting for malware authors to use app ‘collusion’: the ability of two (or more) apps to perform an attack in collaboration.

Such attacks have previously been demonstrated as proof-of-concepts but had not yet been found in the wild until earlier this year, when researchers from


and a number of UK universities found such behaviour in apps using the


SDK for



Last year


Trend Micro

researchers found that this SDK contained a backdoor,

but the collusion behaviour had not previously been discovered.

The discovery was mentioned in the

McAfee Labs

Threat Report for June 2016 (


), but full technical details will be shared with the public in the paper

Wild Android Collusions

, which will be presented at


in Denver on 5 October.

Why not

register for VB2016

to see this and dozens of other presentations from world-class security researchers? Or, if you have research to present yourself, why not submit an abstract to our

call for last-minute papers

, which closes this Sunday, 4th September?



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