VB2017 drinks reception to be hosted in Madrid’s unique Geographic Club

When, at the end of VB2016, we announced Madrid as the location for


, the cheering from the audience suggested that it was a popular choice. This is understandable of course, as Madrid is a beautiful, vibrant and exciting city – but what would be the point of being in such a great location if during the conference you didn’t actually leave the hotel?

This got us thinking about the drinks reception traditionally held on the evening of the first day of the conference – what if, instead of hosting it inside the hotel as we have done for the past several years, we gave delegates a chance to really experience Madrid, by holding it elsewhere?

After looking around at several local venues, we decided to host the VB2017 drinks reception at the unique and fascinating

Geographic Club

, a restaurant/bar a short walk from the conference hotel, whose global theme seems very fitting for the international aspect of the conference.


Many people, especially those travelling from far away, like to combine attending the VB conference with a short visit to the city in which it is hosted. This time, even those who aren’t able to stay in Madrid beyond the duration of the conference will get a chance to see a little bit of the city. And of course, as usual, the drinks reception provides an excellent opportunity to meet up with old acquaintances and make new ones – something that we know, for many, is one of the prime reasons for attending the event.

To make sure you don’t miss out,

book your VB2017 ticket now


And don’t forget that the

call for last-minute papers

, dealing with hot security research, is open until 3 September!






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