The sound of spam

Firm reports 15 million MP3 spams in October.

Last month saw pump-and-dump spammers try out yet another file type for getting their message across to the gullible: MP3 audio files.

As the success of pump-and-dump scams relies on victims investing in shares, getting the name of a particular company lodged in recipients’ minds is the main aim of the spam. Having already tried a variety of ways in which to display their messages, the latest trick is to send out MP3 audio files in the guise of tracks by popular musicians – the files in fact contain a voice, described variously as ‘monotone’ and ‘rusty sounding’, which advises listeners to invest in a particular company.


reports having seen 15 million MP3 spams during October.

Posted on 01 November 2007 by

Virus Bulletin





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