Spam on the catwalk

Spammer extraordinaire launches own clothing line

Scott Richter, spammer extraordinaire, is set to launch his own clothing line,

according to Newsday


The man who brought to our inboxes such ‘unbeatable’ offers as the set of Iraq’s Most Wanted playing cards for only $5.99 (and who reportedly sold 40,000 decks in the first week), is planning the launch of the ‘SpamKing’ clothing line – to include hats, shirts and underwear. According to Newsday, the clothes will sport slogans such as ‘Just opt out’ and ‘Click it’.

Richter, who is currently being sued by the New York attorney general for spam-related crimes, plans to sell the clothes online and advertise – you’ve guessed it – by email.

Posted on 6 May 2004 by

Virus Bulletin






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